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Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

New episodes every weekday Monday through Friday.
This page was generated by The HPR Robot at

Download Archive

Please be aware that our Archive exceeds 62Gb (Ogg: 21Gb, Spx: 16Gb, mp3: 25Gb). We are happy for you to download them, but please make sure that you are not going to incur additional bandwidth charges on your side.

We will be happy to post you DVD's of the episodes anywhere in the world if bandwidth is an issue.

Full Episode Guide

The compete episode guide is available to you, and it lists all the shows on one page going right back to the very first episode.

Command line download

You can download the audio of the episodes directly from the command line using the following commands:

  • ogg:
    curl '[0001-3657].ogg' -o "hpr#1.ogg"
  • spx:
    curl '[0001-3657].spx' -o "hpr#1.spx"
  • mp3:
    curl '[0001-3657].mp3' -o "hpr#1.mp3"

Full RSS feed, BitTorrent and Magnet links

The full rss feed is updated daily and contains the complete show note with links to supporting articles. The torrent/magnet also contains this information and is a snaphot of the archive taken between 2007 and November 2013.

Direct download of the remaining shows

You can download the remaining episodes since the torrent was created directly from the command line using the following commands:

  • ogg:
    curl '[1391-3657].ogg' -o "hpr#1.ogg"
  • spx:
    curl '[1391-3657].spx' -o "hpr#1.spx"
  • mp3:
    curl '[1391-3657].mp3' -o "hpr#1.mp3"

Big to DeepGeek and the team for providing the BitTorrent service.